Celebrate love on a mountain
Celebrate love on a mountain
Taalmonument seduces sweethearts with Valentine’s picnic under the full moon
The universe has spoken: this year it’s VRYdag, Valentine’s Day and a full moon night all in one go. So spoil and charm your loved one(s) during a wonderful summer evening picnic on the beautiful Paarl Mountain on FRIDAY, 14 FEBRUARY 2025, where the staff of the Afrikaans Language Museum and Monument (ATM) will spoil everyone with small surprises and big hearts. Plus, their beautiful photo frame is there again to immortalise this day in an elegant way.
The picnics are very popular with local residents and tourists, who especially enjoy the sunset, beautiful gardens and incomparable view of the mountains, valleys and peninsula. Guests can come anytime between 17:00 and 22:00, and discover more about the monument which is an exceptional, symbol-laden sculpture. A free guided tour to explain all of this, takes place at 18:30. Visitors are also encouraged to explore the gardens and temporary exhibitions; there are outdoor games and playgrounds for children.
In support of the Centre for Astronomical Heritage’s project to promote indigenous names for full moons in Southern Africa, this picnic is also dedicated to the dassie (rock hyrax), a native of Africa and the Middle East. It is an exceptional animal as it is the closest living relative of the much larger African elephant, and exceptional in the sense that its digestive tract contains an organ found only in birds and in no other mammal. It is a hardy and adaptable animal, which was also an important food source for the San and Khoi. The Nama even named a part of their year (corresponding roughly to March) after it, namely !hoaǂgais.
Guests are welcome to bring their own picnics and drinks (no glass) or to order picnics in advance at Suikerkan via 082 216 2510 or info@diesuikerkan.co.za – this bistro will also sell refreshments during the event. Dress warmly and bring a torch; ample parking is available. The picnic series is in aid of ‘Let’s Read!’, the ATM’s literacy project for children, and therefore picnic-goers are invited to donate new or second-hand children’s books in support.
Tickets are only R40 per adult or R10 for SA students, pensioners and children; they are available at quicket.co.za or at the gate. The event is FREE for children under 6 years of age and annual permit holders. For information, contact Stefanie Rasztabiga on 021 863 0543 or kommunikasie@taalmuseum.co.za. More on the Centre for Astronomical Heritage at cfah.org.za/fullmoon. The last full moon picnic is on 14 March.
- For information about all the exciting events, concerts and courses at the Taalmonument, call 021 872 3441/863 0543, visit taalmonument.co.za, sign up for the newsletter or follow them on Facebook/Instagram. The website also offers virtual tours of the monument and museum, information in six languages on the symbolism of the Taalmonument as well as many interesting articles on Afrikaans, multilingualism and the institution’s past, present and future. There are also numerous resources for school and research projects. Annual permits are available at only R120 for individuals or R220 per family, which includes unlimited access to the ATM, bistro and Full Moon Picnics. The bistro offers delicious food and beautiful views daily; contact them via diesuikerkan.co.za or 082 856 1871.