Afrikaans, die maklike taal om te leer | Afrikaans, the easy language to learn

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Algemene inligting, General information

Afrikaans, die maklike taal om te leer
Volgens die Amerikaaanse Foreign Service Institute (FSI) (hulle lewer diplomatieke opleiding) is Afrikaans een van die maklikste tale vir Engelssprekendes om te leer. Sowat 600 ure is genoeg om die taal onder die knie te kry, verduidelik hulle by
Vir Duits is dit byvoorbeeld 750 ure, vir Swahili 900 ure, Zulu/Xhosa 1 100 ure (dieselfde as Russies en Turks) met Arabies en Mandaryns wat oor die 2 200 ure verg.
Die voordele van meertaligheid is legio, soos te lese by


Afrikaans, the easy language to learn
According to the American Foreign Service Institute (FSI) (they provide diplomatic training), Afrikaans is one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. About 600 hours are enough to get the hang of the language, they explain at
By contrast, for German it is 750 hours, for Swahili 900 hours, Zulu/Xhosa 1,100 hours (same as Russian and Turkish) with Arabic and Mandarin requiring over 2,200 hours.
The benefits of multilingualism are undeniable, as can be read at